Friday, June 11, 2010

Friend or Frenemy?

Today I learnt that a term called Frenemy does exist.

Flashback: Some eight or nine years ago, I had a "friend". Let's call her PV. She was a classmate and I was good friends with some girls from her "gang". Inevitably I ended up befriending this girl also. She had a sharp wit and always succeeded in bringing quick smiles. She was definitely good company, yes. But she was equally good in rubbing people the wrong way. If I had problem with something and confided in her, she would assure that she will be on my side and help me out. But when the time comes, she would just snub me in front of all and make a joke out of it. Later, she used to come back and do something incredibly nice to get back into my good books. At one point of time she had me totally bugged. What followed was a big fight. "Well, you are not my friend", I told her, at the end of it. "What then, your enemy?", she asked. I thought for a moment and said, "No, but a mixture of both. Guess you must be called Frenemy then". She looked at me for a few seconds, smiled and said, "Yeah, I feel the same way about you too". We had a good laugh later thinking about it. But anyway, we felt that term described our relationship aptly. (Secretly I felt proud for having "coined" it!) We agreed that our love-hate relationship had given a new(?) word to English. After that, we used to refer each other by that term only and on the rare occasion where we exchanged greeting cards, we signed them as "Frenemy". - End of flashback.

Have lost touch with PV but currently I do have a few "friends" belonging to the category of "Frenemies". (We are close, have fun when we meet but there is an underlying distrust nevertheless, so the category.)

Today evening, I was reading day before yesterday's paper (now don't look at me like that) when I came across the term Frenemy in a front page article in TOI Ascent. Was quite surprised and googled the term only to end up knowing that the term has been in use since 1953! So much for my hopes of getting the word added to the Webster's dictionary! :) :)

P.S.:  Definition of Frenemy: A person who is ostensibly friendly or collegial with someone but who is actually antagonistic or competitive (Source :


  1. In which category do I fall into? BTW I am missing our chats terribly .Do ping me whenever you are online preferably on a Friday :).

  2. oi madam! shame on you that such a thought even comes to you... che che... and btw, I miss our chat sessions too.. just didn't want to disturb you with releases scheduled in consecutive months. Will come online coming week and bug you :)

  3. I am a bit scared of the category! That's the kind which in all probability would know way too much about me to use it against me later!

    Btw, awesome template! How do you people do it? I suffer to even change a theme!

  4. @DI: Exactly! It is a nightmare for me too! But they have been around for too long and it's not easy to let go suddenly.
    And thanks for the compliments on the template. Just picked one randomly, did a few alterations and now quite glad that you like it. :)
