Friday, March 12, 2010

Sambandhi Sandai and Society Sandai!!!

During Marriages, it has been customary for a family member from the groom’s side to suddenly flare up. It could be due to any reason like coffee not served on time, his / her suggestions not considered while making some decision, quality of food not up to the person’s expectations etc.He or she would suddenly claim to have been insulted by the bride’s side.This would initiate what is known as Sambandhi sandai(Sambandhi fight, sandai = fight). Then some peacemaker would emerge from the bride’s side, cajole the person and throughout the marriage extra care would be taken to keep this person happy and satisfied.

Gone are the eras of sambandhi sandai. This is the age of Society Sandais. So, what is a society sandai ?

Whether we live in a building with just some 8 flats or so, or in a township with some 800 flats, one is always likely to witness a duel of some sort happening every week. This fight will take place in that part of the building / society area which is visible from all angles of the building. We can position ourselves in a cosy corner and go on to watch the proceedings which will have enough drama to keep us occupied for a minimum of half an hour.These fights could be for anything. X’s vehicle parked in Y’s area, water shortages, loud music, X’s relatives making too much of a racket and so on. This is basically what I call as Society Sandai.

It generally starts as a quarrel which gets louder and louder by the minute. It will get nastier and families get dragged in.In depth character analysis of the warring parties will start. You will also learn a lot of swear words. The war of words suddenly will turn into some kind of fist fight. Then the spectators from both sides try to separate them. They will look murderously at each other. They will give dire warnings to each other (hearing which an innocent onlooker would feel they must definitely have some “don” blood in their family while you would know for a fact they are incapable of even squatting mosquitoes in their own backyard).

Of course, we have to ensure that children and sensitive souls are not in the vicinity. Then we can go on to enjoy the free entertainment brought to our doorsteps by these untiring kalakaars. It also provides food for enough gossip until another fresh series of society sandai begin. It gets so interesting at times that the police need to be brought in to resolve the issue (believe me, it has happened multiple times in our building). Anyway, that never deters these people. They always start afresh after a few weeks.

So, why did I talk of sambandhi sandai here ?? just like that you know.. since sambandhi sandai and society sandai rhyme well and they have SS and all that.. ok. I’m leaving now. (Yahooooooo...! one more mokkai post done!)